ICC-SRCC maintains and publishes the following ANSI-approved consensus standards with the International Code Council (ICC). They form the basis of the OG-100, OG-300 and OG-400 certification programs. The current editions of the standards were approved and released in December, 2020. Online versions of the standards are available for viewing or purchasing.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS: The following previous editions are also available: ICC 901/SRCC 100 (2015), ICC 900/SRCC 300 (2015), and ICC 902/APSP 902/SRCC 400 (2017).
STANDARD DEVELOPMENT: The current editions of the ICC 901/SRCC 100, ICC 900/SRCC 300, and ICC 902/PHTA 902/SRCC 400 standards were approved by ANSI in 2020. For additional information on the standard update process and to sign up for updates, please visit the IS-STSC Technical Committee webpage.